Eco House — Your Confidence in the Future
As the environment on the entire planet is being threatened, many countries have already taken action to either stop or hinder the disaster. Conventional construction works cause much pollution and have many other drawbacks. It is up to you to find a solution too, for when people work together, they become stronger! We suggest taking care of your future in advance by creating the house of your dreams, as well as by using the most environmentally friendly method to build it.
A house, a cottage, a sports center, a recreation zone... Construction of any building can become an environmentally friendly process with no damage caused to the air, flora, or fauna. What is more, everyone inside the SIP Eco House will feel comfortable and cozy, since its walls, roof, and other elements are light-organic compound-free. You can breathe freely in a house like this, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is quite easy for its inhabitants.
Ecoindustry in Construction
All living things are being wiped out by the harsh chemicals released into the atmosphere and the world's oceans by heavy industries and construction on a daily basis. This interferes with normal activities of daily living and, combined with the sun's proximity and other factors, is fraught with danger for the future of our planet. Lest this happen, plastic recycling centers are being established in large cities and an initiative of the so-called ecotherapy is being promoted. Construction workers have taken on a number of challenges, with one being to make the process waste-free and to reduce the emission of harmful substances into the atmosphere.
Once people become conscious of their own contribution to saving future generations and take action, the situation around them will begin to change. But we have already taken steps, having created our advanced eco-building based on zero-waste production and the use of natural materials. For over 17 years, Sipex has been designing homes and helping designers bring their customers' dreams to life, and has developed a base of customers who are satisfied with the quality service and results of our work.
The construction industry is an ever-evolving field of specialized professionals. Structure-insulated panels (SIP) are considered one of the most airtight and well-insulated construction systems, allowing for better control of indoor environmental conditions. SIP is a high-performance technology used in residential and light commercial construction. The panels are made up of insulating polyurethane foam sandwiched between two structural claddings.
As a construction system, SIP offers better working and living conditions:
● Makes them easier for both construction workers, electricians, and other related workers;
● Reduces the workforce at the site where the panels and modules are manufactured;
● Minimizes waste and carbon emissions;
● Has fewer defects as a result of the controlled manufacturing process.
On top of that, SIP structures guarantee complete insulation, are airtight and allow you to control indoor air quality. This means that the thermal insulation in such a house will be much more efficient than in a conventional building. As a result, your energy bills will be smaller.
Sipex Technologies in Eco House Design
Some people even don't give much thought to how they will feel when they finish renovating their own homes. They just rush out to buy some paint, glue, or varnish from a store and then have to breathe it in for months, which is very bad for their health. Our company uses no such compounds in its manufacturing process whatsoever. Also, we act in harmony with nature and use materials exclusively from environmentally pristine areas to make many people's dreams come true.
By manufacturing high-performance thermal insulation panels (SIP), we construct environmentally friendly buildings from them. All panels and modules are manufactured with the lowest carbon dioxide emissions, as caring for the environment is the core element of our vision and should be the purpose of life for many people around the world.
The components of a modern eco house construction using Prefab and SIP technologies include heavy-duty structures, the ability of the building to maintain the specified temperature in each room, and zero effect from external factors. All steps of the manufacturing process are calculated to the smallest detail. Well-coordinated work at the construction site and the use of our own industrial equipment allow us to streamline all processes and provide the customer with a quality eco-friendly house fast. Each individual project is our contribution to saving the planet.
The conclusion is as follows: An eco-house is an eco-friendly oasis for comfortable living. Its advantages include thermal insulation, ventilation eliminating pollutants and allergens, smaller energy bills, no design and configuration limitations.